The delegation for CUIMUN XVIII in Cambridge, UK consisted of 5 students, which was mostly due to the fact that the idea for the conference came during the summer, and that many delegates could not be contacted. The conference was however a success for ETH MUN, since the delegation participated in some of the highest ranked committees concerning the difficulty (categorized by the organizersof the conference) like the EU, IMF and the Historical Conference and was able to gain one award despite the very competitive nature of the debate.
The accommodation was about 15 minutes from the center of Cambridge, and therefore from most colleges. It was the Lynwood House at Chesterton Road, a bed and breakfast, we absolutely recommend for future delegation of ETH. Concerning the technical aspects of the debates, it appears again as a valuable asset to have the weekly sessions, which create an important familiarity with the rules of procedure. As a tactical lesson from the conference we can retain to more often anticipate obvious moments of the debate (e.g. motions that are expected by the chair) to create a dynamic in the debate that strengthens the delegate’s position in terms of key propositions to orient the discussion.The social events, two club nights and a formal dinner where highly interesting and enjoyable ways to get in contact with delegates from the respective committees outside of the debate as well as delegates from other committees.Despite some organizational shortcomings by the conference secretariat,the attendance of CUIMUN XVIII can be described as a success in terms of awards and experiences inside and outside of the debates.