ETH Model United Nations

Quote of the Month

We’ll do everything possible to make the lithium extraction environmentally fr–French.

~ France

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Slack Signup

We are back in person for the new semester! We look forward to seeing you all again at ETH.

Weekly Sessions (HS24)
Every Thursday
7 p.m. (19:00)
LEE D 101

Meet Us:

Join the Ghost of Conferences Past:

PIMUN 2019

ETHMUN’s flagship conference this year was a delegation of 23 students to Paris International Model United Nations in early June. Usually, we […]

ZuMUN 2019

2019 was host to the fifth edition of MUN UZH and ETH MUN’s very own Zurich Model United Nations, taking place from […]

WorldMUN Madrid 2019

This year participated at it’s ninth WorldMUN in Madrid, Spain, representing the delgation of Sweden. WorldMUN is the most international and largest […]

see more 😍

Our Postal Address
ETH Model United Nations
Universitätsstrasse 6
ETH Zentrum CAB E 13
CH-8092 Zürich
Tel: +41 44 632 49 34