This year, ETH MUN sent seven students to Cambridge International Model United Nations (CUIMUN XIX). It took place during the weekend from November 29 to December 1st. In most parts, the conference was well organized. Opening and closing ceremonies were held in Cambridge Union hall and two interesting guest speakers addressed all delegates. Our delegation represented Pakistan in a variety of committees such as Security Council, IMF and SOCHHUM. The level of debate varied between different committees because there were a number of very unexperienced delegates from other universities attending. We can therefore conclude that our weekly training sessions at ETHMUN are vital for our delegates to be well prepared for the challenges such a conference poses. The organizers put a lot of effort into this conference and were trying hard for everyone to feel comfortable and created a very professional atmosphere. The only real shortcoming was the location of the committee venues which were partially difficult to find at the beginning. Our team did not manage to win any awards at this conference.

Our delegation followed the advice from previous year and stated at Lynwood House (Bed and Breakfast) at Chesterton road which was a fifteen minute walk from the city centre.. The quality of this Hotel has been excellent and a good breakfast was included. Since the committees were spread across different colleges in Cambridge, some delegates were able to walk whilst other had to take a taxi from the hotel.

The social package included a formal reception, dinner and club night and was generally well organized. A few of our delegates decided to arrive a few days earlier to the UK and spend a few days in London.