UNYA Crisis 2022
When: 8th – 9th of April
Where: Fribourg
Cost: Travel Costs
UNYA the umbrella organization of ETH MUN is organizing a crisis simulation in Fribourg from the 8th-9th of April. The topic will be the Nile Crisis between Egypt and Ethiopia. There will be two crisis cabinets each one for the respective country. Then, additionally, to react to the developments of the crisis there will be a Security Council based on next years seats. This whole simulation is also to go hand in hand with the plus for peace campaign, to see how Switzerland would react and influence the council in a possibly soon emerging Crisis. There will be speakers there from the EDA who will tell us more about Switzerland on the Security Council and what that means for diplomacy.
If you’re interested feel free to sign up at [1]
A thank you goes out to UNYA for the introductory Text and the Images.