First SOCHUM Session (Lithium Triangle)

In our first session about the lithium triangle, sustainability was a central topic. At the same time, most countries emphasized how to sustainably mine lithium, and the discussion revealed significant challenges. For instance, concerns were raised about lithium mining’s impact on water pollution and the exploitation of underpaid workers. In contrast, some oil-rich nations claimed that lithium mining was inherently unsustainable, steering the conversation toward why it should be reconsidered. Their stance seemed rooted in protecting their oil interests, as the increasing use of lithium would reduce global oil demand.
Another key point was promoting countries as reliable buyers or sellers of natural resources. China, for example, highlighted its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) as a framework for international cooperation. Other nations, including the UK and the US, also shared details about their involvement in the global resource market, though without specific programs like China’s.